The benefits that meditation will bring you

Meditating is controlling your body and mind to guide it into a state of deep relaxation. By doing so, you will be improving your quality of life. We will show you how.

The ideal diet for older adults

As the body changes with age, the diet of older adults must also change.We give you the primary keys to a healthier diet.

coronavirus symptoms
Think You Have Coronavirus? Here’s What to Do

The coronavirus has many symptoms. You may have wondered whether or not you are infected, and you may not know what to do about it. Find out what to look out for and who to turn to if you’re not feeling well.

Tips for feeding school-age children

We provide an overview of how to feed your children in a balanced manner so that they can carry out their activities with energy and grow healthy and strong.

What is Depression?

All you need to know about this disease: causes, symptoms, diagnosis, and treatment.

Chronic Diseases
What is Heart Disease?

Different diseases affect the heart. Learn about some of them, their symptoms, and how to prevent them.

Chronic Diseases
What is Hypertension?

All you need to know about this disease: causes, symptoms, diagnosis, and treatment.