If you are going through menopause, it is important to take care of your bones
When a woman is going through menopause, she has a higher risk of developing osteoporosis, a chronic condition caused by loss of bone density. But there are several ways to slow it down by fortifying your body.
At this stage, it is essential to have enough vitamin D. Called the “sunshine vitamin,” produced when the sun’s rays interact with our skin. It helps build stronger bones by increasing the absorption of calcium. It also improves the function of muscles, which can improve your balance and decrease the likelihood of falling and suffering a fracture.
Even though you can have Vitamin D supplements, it is vital to sunbathe for at least 10 minutes a day to get enough of this vitamin.
If you can´t get enough sun, you can also introduce Vitamin D through certain foods such as orange juice, margarine, mushrooms, swordfish, pink salmon, nuts, red snapper fish, milk, soy beverage, yogurt, egg, and tuna.
Calcium is also essential for all ages, and women over 50 and all adults over 70 should get a higher dose. Kale and broccoli are great sources, but if you can’t get enough of them, talk to your doctor about getting a boost through pills.
Calcium and vitamin D are connected because the body cannot absorb calcium if you don´t have enough vitamin D.
Exercise is also a great way to make your bones stronger. You can walk, dance, swim, run…any way you choose is a good form of exercise. All of them provide some benefit to bone strength.