Do your muscles need more flexibility? Stretching is the answer
Stretching was always seen as necessary to warm up the muscles and prepare them for activity, but it is a discipline that can bring many benefits.
Some tips to start now.
Maintain a healthy weight
Normally, weight loss is seen as something aesthetic, but its benefits are much deeper: it directly impacts a better quality of life. Don’t try to do it overnight. Set small goals and start to conquer them. Smaller portions, healthier food, and little by little the way you eat is changing and so is your body.
Do exercise
A common mistake is to try from one day to the next to become an athlete. It’s not about that, setting goals like 150 minutes of physical activity spread throughout the week is a big step. Walking is the best exercise to start moving.
Take care of your mental health
Being depressed, stressed, worried is an adverse state to make healthy choices, we tend to eat more caloric foods and sit still. Sleeping too little or too much, drinking a lot…everything conspires against the health of our heart.
Establish a close relationship with your doctor
Try not to go to the doctor only when you feel very sick. Get regular checkups, make it your ally in weight control, blood pressure, and other factors that threaten your heart.
Control your blood pressure
The previous tips all serve to keep your pressure under control. However, there are people who need special medication to do this. Consult with your doctor about it and get regular check-ups. A healthy, low-sodium diet will also help.
Stretching was always seen as necessary to warm up the muscles and prepare them for activity, but it is a discipline that can bring many benefits.
It is a difficult task for us to face, but once we do it, it translates into many benefits
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August is National Immunization Awareness Month, an opportunity to recognize the importance of vaccination and to check if everyone in your family is updated with the immunization schedule.