Do your muscles need more flexibility? Stretching is the answer
Stretching was always seen as necessary to warm up the muscles and prepare them for activity, but it is a discipline that can bring many benefits.
It is a difficult task for us to face, but once we do it, it translates into many benefits
The first step to tidying up your closet once and for all is to empty it completely and tidy it up. You must classify the clothes into garments to keep, donate or throw away.
It’s a tendency to accumulate clothes, but it’s not a good idea to keep clothes you won’t wear and that someone else can use.
We usually keep pants several sizes smaller than we dream of wearing again, and they stay there season after season. Donate or give them away
We also tend to keep shoes that we don’t wear because they are broken or damaged, and you could try to fix them or give them away.
If you have stained or torn clothing you should throw it away or recycle it . Do not donate it or give it away because others deserve to receive garments in good condition.
If you have new garments with tags you never wore, it is unlikely that you will. Time to give them away.
Once all the clothing piles have been separated, a new classification must be made: what is for daily use and what is for special occasions. For this, I keep what is in season and what I will use frequently, and party suits and special occasions are kept further away.
It is essential to have everything neat and visible. Keep garments easily wrinkled in hangers I and separate garments that can be folded in different piles such as t-shirts or sweaters. Keeping your clothes organized by colors is very helpful.
To keep underwear, handkerchiefs, and smaller garments organized, small boxes are functional inside drawers.
Do not store anything dirty, wrinkled, or otherwise not ready to be used The goal is to avoid wasting time when selecting clothes from your wardrobe. Devoting a few hours a day to organizing will greatly benefit you throughout the year.
Additionally, you will give back to those in need by donating clothes you don’t wear.
Donation Locations:
Donate Clothing in Los Angeles – Pickup Please (schedule a pick-up to your house)
Donation of Goods – St. Vincent de Paul of Los Angeles (svdpla.org)
Los Angeles Mission
Donation Drop Off Center
351 S. Anderson Street
Los Angeles, CA 90033
Hours of operation: Monday – Friday 8am – 5pm Closed Saturdays & Sundays
Link: Donate Food, Clothing & Goods – Los Angeles Mission
Stretching was always seen as necessary to warm up the muscles and prepare them for activity, but it is a discipline that can bring many benefits.
Monkeypox usually affects people who are in contact with skin lesions or fluids from other people or derived fromanimals.
August is National Immunization Awareness Month, an opportunity to recognize the importance of vaccination and to check if everyone in your family is updated with the immunization schedule.
If you are the mother of a newborn, you must be very attentive to the diseases caused by the bacteria called group B streptococcus (GBS).